Facebook Live chats are run twice a month by our PlunketLine team and are an opportunity for you to find out more about different topics – and to ask questions.

We’ll promote upcoming chats through our Plunket New Zealand Facebook page, and you can find old chats under the videos section

Topics include things like:

As well as public health responses to events concerning our parents and caregivers, like novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and measles.


We also ran a special Facebook Live series called #DadChats, with the Plunket dad panel – Taka, Jonny and Tom.

These chats cover things like:

Some of our most popular chats

Neuroscience and Culture: with Latu from the Brainwave Trust, and our #DadChats panel. 

#DadChats: Neuroscience and Culture

Support Whānau: Some of the ways we're working alongside whānau and communities to help make a difference for tamariki.

Facebook Live Chat: Supporting Whānau

Happy Chaos: Ideas for messy play activities, the developmental benefits of messy play, and tips on reducing the anxiety that can come when it feels like we're surrounded by mess.

Facebook Live Chat: Happy Chaos