New pilot with Plunket to deliver childhood immunisations

9 October 2024

To increase access and boost immunisation rates, Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora and Whānau Āwhina Plunket will pilot the delivery of childhood immunisations at a select number of sites across the country.

The new pilot programme, funded to run until June 2026, was announced by Health Minister, Dr Shane Reti and Associate Health Minister, Casey Costello today.

New Community hub for Whānau Āwhina Plunket in Dunedin

Whānau Āwhina Plunket says its new community hub in Dunedin will future-proof services for generations of babies to come.

In November, seven existing Plunket clinics in the wider city will relocate to a recently purchased property at 97 King Edward Street, South Dunedin. Services will continue to be delivered from Anderson Bay, Mosgiel and Port Chalmers.

Nursing scholarship recipient has sights set on supporting tamariki

9 August 2024

A nursing student keen to pursue a career supporting tamariki has been named as the 2024 recipient of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu and Whānau Āwhina Plunket’s Mere Harper and Ria Tikini Memorial Scholarship.

NorthTec Whangārei second year nursing student Shauna Power says it is an absolute honour to be selected for the annual scholarship recognising the work of Mere Harper and Ria Tikini – two highly respected Māori midwives and healers from Karitāne, at the heart of Plunket’s whakapapa.  

BestStart Tawa South tops annual Plunket fundraising appeal

Children at BestStart Tawa South put their best creative artworks up for sale and sold tasty family meals for the annual BestStart Plunket fundraising appeal this year.

Thanks to their efforts and that of their whānau and the wider community, the centre was the biggest contributor to the appeal, raising $1,772. Collectively BestStart Centres across the country raised $68,000 during the appeal week – the highest fundraising year ever in BestStart Plunket Appeal history!

Whānau Āwhina Plunket Chief Executive Fiona Kingsford with BestStart Centre Manager Tagi Ewens, staff and tamariki


It's World Breastfeeding Week

"Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All" is the focus of this year’s World Breastfeeding Week (1-7 August) celebrations.

Breastfeeding is a learnt behaviour for you and your pēpi, and it’s quite normal to need some extra support along the way.

Read on to find out what support is available, and what events are happening in your area to celebrate this week.


Plunket’s Chief Nurse shares top tips for caring for children as winter bugs hit

12 July 2024

Winter is here and so are the seasonal coughs, colds and bugs doing the rounds, making many people sick - including tamariki.

Chief Nurse Dr Zoë Tipa says there have been several respiratory virus outbreaks in children under five around different parts of the country recently.

“There is often a surge in respiratory infections, influenza and other illnesses in winter and they spread easily among children in schools and daycare. It can be a really stressful time for the whole whānau, the very nature of winter means we spend more time indoors in close proximity with others making us more likely to pick up bugs."

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Celebrating our amazing volunteers

19 June 2024

Across the country we have amazing volunteers giving their time, valuable skills and energy to help us support whānau raising their tamariki. 

As part of National Volunteer Week Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu a celebration was held in Auckland where the region’s volunteers were honoured and retired nurse Jeannette Bilik was named Volunteer of the Year.

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Chief Nurse responds to research

23 May 2024

This morning our Chief Nurse Dr Zoë Tipa was interviewed on Radio New Zealand responding to research carried out in 2021 that found some mothers felt let down by Whānau Āwhina Plunket’s support of their mental health.

Zoë explained that this research is consistent with what we know from the Well Child Tamariki Ora review and her own research, and reflects changes we are already making towards a relationship model of care.

Listen to the interview

It's Road Safety Week!

20 May 2024

This week (20-26 May) is Road Safety Week and we’re showcasing ways you can be a road safety superhero for your tamariki. 

Mum shares her story to support Perinatal Mental Health Awareness Week

1 May 2024

Mum of two, Amy Anker knows firsthand how tricky it can be adjusting to having both a baby and a toddler to care for. When her second child was born following a difficult birth, she didn’t have the same instant connection she’d had with her son and was referred to Whānau Āwhina Plunket for support.

It’s Perinatal Mental Health Awareness Week and Amy hopes sharing her story will encourage other mums to reach out for support. About 60,000 babies are born in New Zealand each year, and around 15,000 parents of these pēpi will experience anxiety or depression as a result.

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Whānau Āwhina Plunket opens new Westgate hub

29 April 2024

Accessing Plunket appointments will be more convenient for West Auckland whānau, with the opening of a new hub in the popular Westgate shopping centre.

The new premises replace the former Enterprise Drive location and features two spacious clinic rooms. Appointments for Well Child and B4 School Checks are now available to book, with a hearing and vision team available on select days for four-year-olds.

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Meet Isla - our first ever ambassador

24 April 2024

Meet our very first Plunket ambassador, nine-year-old Isla Jurgeleit.

Isla and her family are huge supporters of Plunket. They say if it had not been for the quick-thinking advice they received from a PlunketLine nurse, who told them to take Isla straight to hospital when she was just a couple of weeks old, Isla might not be here today.

Whānau Āwhina Plunket volunteer supports whānau to succeed

16 April 2024

Volunteer superstar Diana Castaneira is working with Whānau Āwhina Plunket on Auckland’s North Shore to empower new parents to thrive.

Since 2020, Ms Castaneira has been volunteering with the charitable organisation’s home visiting programme and has supported over 30 families. A desire to see parents and caregivers enjoy the early days with their tamariki is what drives her to give back to the community.

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30 years of PlunketLine – supporting parents and caregivers across the country 24/7

11 April 2024

PlunketLine is celebrating a significant milestone today, as the much-loved free-to-call telehealth service turns 30 years old.

Day, night, and in the wee hours of the morning, PlunketLine registered nurses are available to talk to anyone who has questions or concerns about caring for pēpi and tamariki under-five. Parents and caregivers can call free 24/7 on 0800 933 922. They don’t need to be enrolled with Whānau Āwhina Plunket.

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Opinion: It takes a village to see tamariki thrive in tough economic times

1 March 2024

By Fiona Kingsford, Whānau Āwhina Plunket Chief Executive

Times are tough at the moment and many whānau are struggling to make ends meet. This Children’s Day (3 March 2024) – a day that should be one of celebration – it’s our little ones who are bearing the brunt and now, more than ever, they need a village behind them.

The cost-of-living crisis is hitting hard. Latest child poverty statistics show one-in-eight children, or 143,700 are going without the basics – fruit and vegetables, heating, and doctor visits. For Māori, it’s one-in-five; Pacific peoples, one-in-four.

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Retiring Plunket nurse acknowledged during special unveiling

16 February 2024

Whānau Āwhina Plunket nurse Claire Henderson has retired after more than 30 years with the organisation – but not before completing a special task.

Mrs Henderson had the honour of unveiling hand-crafted Māori tukutuku panels which are now proudly displayed in Plunket’s newly opened Rotorua community hub on Pukuatua Street.

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Mere Harper and Ria Tikini Memorial Scholarship open for applications

14 February 2024

Mā te huruhuru, ka rere te manu.

We are proud to again join with Ngāi Tahu in supporting the future nursing workforce to thrive.

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Whānau Āwhina Plunket opens new community hub in Rotorua

31 January 2024

Whānau Āwhina Plunket has today opened a new whānau-friendly one-stop shop community hub in Rotorua made possible by generous support from organisations and fundraising efforts from locals. 
Plunket staff and Trustees including Board Chairperson Dame Fran Wilde gathered alongside building partner Generation Homes and dignitaries from local iwi for a dawn karakia led by Dr Anaha Hiini from Ngāti Whakaue to officially open the facility at 1436 Pukuatua Street.

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Celebrating 52 years of service

26 January 2024

Long-time volunteer Mary Hall was celebrated at the Sandringham Plunket Clinic for an incredible 52 years of service to Whānau Āwhina Plunket.

Community Services Manager Clare Green thanked Mary for her loyalty and dedication to Plunket.

“Mary has helped many whānau to keep their children and babies safe and well over the years. She’s an inspiration to us all and we are very lucky to have her,” she says.

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High temperatures prompt need for extra precaution this summer

26 January 2024

Whānau Āwhina Plunket is urging parents and caregivers to take extra care with pēpi and tamariki in the heat, as scorching temperatures are recorded across the country this summer.

Chief Nurse Dr Zoe Tipa says pēpi and tamariki get hotter a lot faster than adults. In high temperatures like we’ve been experiencing, they can rapidly lose body fluids through sweating, which can lead to dehydration. This is especially dangerous for small children.

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Whānau Āwhina Plunket expands services at Meadowbank Family Centre

11 January 2024

An expansion of services offered at Whānau Āwhina Plunket’s Meadowbank Family Centre has been warmly welcomed by the community.

Well Child Tamariki Ora and Lactation Consultant appointments have increased from one to two days per week and a drop-in clinic is available weekly. A weekly coffee group, a B4 School Check clinic every second Monday and a monthly first aid course are currently running too.

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