It’s important to remember every child is different and will develop at different speeds. If you have concerns about your little one’s learning or development call PlunketLine or your doctor.
What can I expect?
The graphic below provides an idea of when you may notice development milestones in your child. Milestones represent what most children can do at a certain age in terms of their movement, hearing, sight, communications.
Newborn to three months
- smiles
- holds head up
- cries when there’s a loud noise
- enjoys looking at faces
Four to six months
- rolls over
- reaches and grasps
- chews on hands and toys
- turns towards sounds and voices
- responds to sound by making noises
- reaches out for toys
Six to 12 months
- can pull to sit up
- responds to name
- plays peek-a-boo
- turns towards sounds and voices
- may understand "no"
- babble and may say mama, dada, bubba
- wave bye bye
12 to 15 months
- will hug you
- can use a spoon
- will try and help you dress them
- can follow simple instructions
- can drink from a cup
15 to 18 months
- understands their own name
- may be walking on their own
- can sit in a small chair
- can pick up very small objects
18 to 24 months
- says two or three word sentences
- copies you
- can start to feed themself with spoon
- gets into a chair on their own
Three to five years
- asks lots of "who" and "why" questions
- uses three to five word sentences more
- keen to stop wearing nappies and use the toilet/potty
- can feed themself
- can ride a tricycle